Wk3-Artist Conversation-Mimi Haddon

Artist: Mimi Haddon

Exhibition: MFA Fiber Art

Media: Fiber

Gallery: CSULB School of Art, Gatov Gallery West

Website: www.mimihaddon.com

Instagram: @mimihaddon

Mimi Haddon already has her Bachelors of Fine Arts in Visual Communication Design and is now at CSULB to get a Masters of Fine Arts in Fiber Art. The way Mimi takes what she experiences and puts it into art is extremely creative. In this exhibition she had used discarded T-shirts to emphasize her exploration in art. Mimi Haddon bought T-shirts from the Goodwill and cut them up then pieced them back together to make a variety of different pieces of art work. My favorite piece was the wall. Mimi explained that the artwork on the wall was inspired by a photo she took at Santa Monica Pier of deflated balloons in the fun zone. The pattern of the colors were unique, they were not order light to dark or anything like that. The “deflated balloons” were placed by color randomly. Mimi explained that the exhibit was about how different colors responded to each other. When I first looked at the art work on the wall it immediately became my favorite piece. When I first looked at it I did not get deflated balloons, but I did get the visually of how the colors responded to each other and I absolutely loved it. This piece made me realize that art is literally everywhere and there are so many things in the world that inspire people. Here is a picture of my favorite piece of Mimi Haddon along with some other amazing pieces.


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